LCD Flatscreen TV’s are worth Fixing

I know your seeing flat screen tv’s out to the street on garbage day and have to wonder if this is right.
you know all the crybabies talking about climate change and over population, massive waste and landfill overflowing. Lets just discount this bullshit and look at it from an economic standpoint.

My example is a throw away and it’s broke, yes these high end units actually have crappy parts that fail, the good thing is the crappy parts are all on one or two circuit boards. Examine the Samsung 55 i have. once you remove a few screws the back panel exposes alot of nothing.

There are alot of people selling these replacement parts, read the listings, don’t just buy from a removed from working, find a reputable electronic shop that has done updates to the crappy boards

This is my part

It’s a DEAD Deal!

I contacted the power supply guy and this is his response

New message from: tvfixer2014 (2,754) Hello , This part will not help you . You have a bad screen . Sorry but this TV is finished. THANK—ANDREW BLAIR—ALL TECH ELECTRONICS

Turns out my great TV is actually Shit, I mean Samsung High Quality Manufacturing