Pi4 Case print

If you upgraded your printer to the Duet2 wiFi you have realized what a great decision, lets get it up!
Now you have done all the configuration stuff lets move to the printing
Print Settings
With our ender5 upgrade with a duet wifi its time we go to the next step
Getting quality prints
- Selecting a file editor and slicer (Cura)
- Finding a file to print (below)
- Verifying settings in the slicer
- Verifying the hardware (nozzle) and bed height
- First print and evaluation
Because Microsoft as a corp. sucks we use Linux Mint as our OS , Cura works just great on this platform
and it’s the same program no matter the operating system. There are many other slicers but this is what we are using
The file we selected is a case for the raspberry pi4, it has a nice size fan and looks clean
This is the information from the developer
- Printer:Custom Duet printer
- Rafts:No
- Supports:No
- Resolution:.3mm layer .4 nozzle
- Infill:35% Hexagonal
- Notes:Printed with 3 perimeters & No Top or bottom layers to leave infill visible.
Instructions from searching 3 perimeters, no top or bottom layers
When printing with 3 perimeters and no top or bottom layers to leave infill visible, it is recommended to raise the thickness of the perimeter printing at least 3 layers and set the infill density to at least 15%. This will increase the wall’s resistance but also create over-extruded areas. Raising the infill overlap percentage can make the printing surface more stable and rigid, but it can also leave marks on the walls. When comparing two equal pieces printed with 3 perimeters, the infill marks will be visible and easy to feel when the overlap is higher than 50%.
lets take a look at how this inputs into the slicer.
Avery important consideration is instructions added in the slicer before you print, my experience is they slow down the duet, learning their purpose would be recommended